The mission of the Flood Inundation Mapping (FIM) Cadre is to assist districts when called upon to run real-time hydraulic models, prepare forecast inundation maps and develop consequence estimates for significant flood events.
Engineering Circular 1110-2-6075 makes flood inundation maps for most USACE civil works programs publicly accessible in the absence of pressing project security exceptions. It further requires USACE elements to produce flood inundation maps and to post them to USACE systems of record (established authoritative sources) used to provide a consistent means of dissemination throughout USACE, to other agencies, and to the public. This requirement includes inundation maps intended to support flood preparedness, response, recovery, and/or mitigation.
When Divisions or Districts need support in any product development during real-time flood events, the FIM Cadre is available to support with:
The FIM SOP was developed to ensure flood inundation products throughout USACE are consistent and are archived in the authoritative sources.
The FIM SOP and detailed training materials are available at: