This section summarizes the Modeling, Mapping, and Consequences (MMC) Production Center standard operating procedures (SOP) updates between the FY2022 to FY2023 SOP technical manuals.
The approach currently practiced by the MMC for dam breach risk assessments is to develop hydraulic models using a software suite composed of USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center software including the River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), RAS Mapper, and the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS). The Life Loss Estimation model (LifeSim) uses the results from the hydraulic models to compute life loss.
This section summarizes the initial sequence of procedures used by the Modeling, Mapping, and Consequences (MMC) Production Center to complete a new flood risk management or navigation dam study and update to an existing dam study.
The first step of a new study, following work acceptance by the MMC Director, begins with the project manager (PM) leading development of the project work plan (PWP), data collection worksheet completion, and district coordination. The district Dam Safety Program Manager (DSPM) and Dam Safety Officer (DSO) are contacted by the PM or documentation lead to complete the initial MMC data collection worksheet. The data collection worksheet outlines details regarding available dam specifications, manuals, previous models, and data. The DSPM and DSO recommend district points of contact for the facility project manager, hydrology and hydraulics (H&H) engineer, geographic information systems (GIS) specialist, and economist, if resources exist. The PM utilizes this information and works with the MMC project delivery team (PDT) to complete the PWP. The PWP will include an initial description of the work to be conducted by the MMC and the projected schedule for each work item. The MMC PDT and district points of contact (POCs) walk through the PWP during the project kickoff meeting. The district will have an opportunity during the kickoff to describe existing project criteria and conditions to begin modeling the dam or appurtenant structure assigned to the MMC.
The PM is the lead to create an external and internal PWP, and coordinate with the modeling technical lead for input. The documentation lead will create the project directories on the MMC file share and MMC Team SharePoint Site. More detailed discussion of the MMC dams folder structure can be found in Appendix 4.3.1. The MMC folder structure will be delivered to the assigned modeler and used throughout the entire process.
An external PWP will be developed for the dam project. The documentation team will develop the PWP and provide it to the PM for revision. Prior to the project kick-off, the PM will notify the members of the kick-off meeting of information that will be required to fill out the dam PWP.
An internal PWP will be developed for the dam project as needed. The PM develops the internal PWP and provides it to the modeling team lead to add the modeling scope, confirm funding amounts, and confirm internal schedules. As part of the work plan development effort, dam information will be collected and modelers identified by the modeling technical lead.
The MMC PM will schedule a project kick-off meeting after the draft external PWP has been developed. At a minimum, the invitees will include: the district DSPM, district DSO, MMC modeling lead, assigned MMC modeler, MMC mapping lead, and MMC consequences lead.
The kick-off meeting will clarify scope of the study as well as the schedule and budget. The MMC PM and modeler will discuss key technical information with the district personnel, and these technical details will be highlighted within the PWP. Primary data sources will also be identified, such as existing hydraulic models, high-resolution DEMs, and project datum conversions.
Once work acceptance and initial district coordination are completed, the next step for a new dam study involves the production of pre-model GIS data.
If an update of an existing dam study is being performed, the initial step is still district coordination, and the existing data collection worksheet is updated to determine if new or supplemental data exists that should be used during the update. All district model independent quality review (IQR) comments and mapping/documentation IQR comments should be reviewed for items that were deferred to future study. The existing digital elevation model (DEM) should be evaluated by the MMC mapping production team member to determine if the elevation data has been updated since the previous study. The assigned modeling production team member will evaluate any existing modeling provided by the district. The evaluation will be based on map projection, file structure, model layout, and model setup to determine to what extent it meets current MMC modeling guidelines. The evaluation will be reviewed by the modeling team lead; a recommendation will be made regarding whether to use the existing model or create a new one.
This step generates the internal GIS deliverable needed by the modeler to begin model development.
The mapping production team member is responsible for providing the assigned modeler the GIS data necessary for the initial model setup using national data sets as described in Appendix 4.1.1. The data will be provided to the modeler using the standards described in Appendix 4.3.1. If it is determined that additional efforts are required to include levee elevations from the National Levee Database (NLD) in the pre-model DEM, Appendix 4.1.11 describes these methods.
The mapping team member creates the MMC folder structure in the MMC file share following guidance in Appendix 4.1.1. More detailed discussion of the MMC folder structure can be found in Appendix 4.3.1. The pre-model data will be delivered to the assigned modeler via the MMC file share. Upon request, data will be delivered on an external hard drive to the assigned modeler. Figure 2-1 is an example of the MMC folder structure.
The MMC file share is for use by MMC members only, and the members are required to request permission to access this resource. Members can contact the MMC Mapping and Documentation Branch Chief (Michelle Carey) or the Documentation Lead (Tabetha Hesseldenz) to request access. The pre-model data is posted to the project folders located on the MMC file share: \\\RMCSTORAGE4\Production\Dams.
Figure 2-1. Modeling, Mapping, and Consequences Delivery File Structure
The standard projection for all MMC projects within the projection boundaries is USA_Contiguous_ Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_USGS_version. The linear units are set to U.S. feet. The MMC Production Center uses the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) for all elevation data within the datum extents.
The standard horizontal projection for Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico (or other locations where the Albers projection listed above does not reach) is the state plane that the majority for the modeled area is located within.
Alaska is within the range of the NAVD 88 system and will use this datum for all vertical data. The standard vertical datum for Hawaii is local mean sea level (LMSL). The standard vertical datum for Puerto Rico is the Puerto Rico Vertical Datum of 2002 (PRV 02).
Detailed projection parameters are provided in Appendix 4.1.1.
The MMC projection is used for the pre-model data and throughout the modeling process. When alternate projections are in place, some additional steps are needed to add data to the MMC data viewer.
Digitize the river centerline and banklines from the study dam downstream, following the guidelines set in Appendix 4.1.1. If previous studies included coincident digitizing, the previously completed data may be used.
The dam will be located using the National Inventory of Dams (NID) database. The location will be verified against the most current aerial imagery available (see Appendix 4.1.1).
The Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) world imagery service is used to digitize the centerline and banklines at a scale of 1:15,000 from the dam to the downstream extent provided in the PWP. If the centerline is stopped at a confluence, the centerline should proceed downstream past the confluence to account for any impacts at that confluence. The objective of this guideline is to minimize the chances of needing to develop additional data at a later time, and in many cases a longer study reach is developed than will need to be modeled.
Create a study area boundary based on the digitized centerline or the preliminary depth grid (see Appendix 4.1.1). The preliminary depth grid would ensure backwater areas are captured. The depth grid is converted to a polygon and buffered by a specified distance.
The study area is used to define the maximum DEM extent to be included for modeling; the study area will include areas 20 miles from either side of the river centerline as well as cover the entire pool of the study lake at the top of dam (TOD) elevation.
There is some subjectivity in the creation of the study area; care should be taken to include all areas that could be inundated and include all areas provided in the downstream extent provided in the PWP. Overestimate the extent of the study area-the modeler can eliminate extraneous elevation data during the modeling phase. Underestimating the extent of the study area will cause the modeler to request additional data, which will cost time and effort.
The study area is included in the pre-model data deliverable.
Merge source DEM tiles that intersect with the study area and project the DEM in the MMC projection. DEMs will be provided in native projection and in the MMC projection. Providing the native projection DEM allows the modeler to use a projection other than Albers. A general rule for all MMC team members is to minimize the number of projection steps for raster data, as some quality is lost during each step. The DEM production steps are detailed in Appendix 4.1.1.
The DEM is included in the pre-model data deliverable.
Create a preliminary depth grid in the MMC projection by developing a triangulated irregular network (TIN) that represents an elevated water surface (WS) that is intersected with the DEM to estimate the flood plain extent. See Appendix 4.1.1 for details.
The preliminary depth grid is included in the pre-model data deliverable.
The TOD contour polygon represents the maximum pool behind the study dam at the TOD elevation. The polygon is generated by intersecting a raster dataset representing the WS and the study digital elevation model. The resulting raster depth grid is then re-classified to represent either inundated area or non-inundated area. Convert the re-classified raster to a polygon feature class and delete the non-inundated area features from the resulting dataset. See Appendix 4.1.1 for details.
The TOD contour polygon is included in the pre-model data deliverable.
Levee information from the National Levee Database (NLD) is provided to all modelers by the mapping technical lead independent of the pre-model data deliverable. The mapping technical lead coordinates with the NLD database manager and obtains updated NLD data layers at least once a year. The NLD includes information related to the levee centerline. The centerline should be represented as a line element and points containing the elevation from the latest survey of the levee. The mapping technical lead or delegate will need to confirm a levee line of protection (LOP) is available that combines the levee segments with closures and other structures that complete the levee alignment.
Create an .mxd file with the following layers:
Appendix 4.1.1 details the .mxd production steps. The .mxd file is included in the pre-model data deliverable.
Review the deliverable for content and conformance to the standard defined in Appendix 4.1.1. Use the checklist in Appendix 4.3.2; ensure all deliverables are included.
The mapping production team member will package the data and post it to the project folder in the MMC file share. The PM and Production Team Lead shall be copied on the transmittal email to the modeler.
The mapping production team member sends the data to the identified modeler unless the Modeling Team Lead directs otherwise. Any revisions or additions to datasets should be requested through the mapping production team member and will be transferred in the same manner as described above.
Once the deliverable is provided to the modeler, the task in the schedule database "Pre-Model" is complete.
The mapping technical lead will save a full copy of the deliverable in the MMC Production Center Pre-Model Data Geodatabase. See Appendix 4.1.3 for more information on the geodatabase schema.
The mapping production team member shall communicate status regularly, especially at task completion, to the PM. The PM will mark the task as complete.
The modeling production team members will use the district data collection worksheet and further coordination with district POCs to identify relevant H&H data needed for model setup and data that may assist or streamline the modeling process. If necessary, the mapping production team member will identify existing GIS data that may be of better quality than the national datasets used in the rapid data development process. To warrant processing costs, care should be taken to ensure that elevation data identified are sufficiently better than the National Elevation Dataset (NED). Of special interest is Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) that is not already incorporated into the NED, including any bathymetric data available that would support surface generation. Scattered cross section bathymetry may be useful to the modeler; however, this should not be incorporated into the elevation models. Supplemental data documentation is delivered to the modeler for reference. The data research will be conducted as a collaborative effort between the modeler and the mapping team in accordance with Appendix 4.1.2.
The PM should notify the study dam project's district DSO and DSPM that the project will be studied and request updated data POCs to confirm the information in the data collection worksheet.
Modeler will contact the district H&H POC to request any available information on the study dam. Copy the PM on any communications. Catalog any existing data. See Appendix 4.1.2 for additional details.
Mapper will contact the district GIS POC to request any data relevant to the MMC study. Copy the PM on any communications. Catalog any existing data according to Appendix 4.1.2.
As part of model setup, the modeler will determine what information is necessary. In general, all existing H&H data should be obtained. Existing GIS data should only be requested if deemed necessary by the modeler.
Data from districts can be transferred electronically via the MMC file share or, if district personnel do not have access, data can be transferred via file transfer protocol (FTP) using the following site. If necessary, temporary media or storage devices can be used for transferring data.
The mapping production team member will review the district-provided GIS data and, after completing required post-processing, will deliver necessary GIS data to the assigned modeler. Any GIS data is processed following the standard procedures defined in Appendix 4.1.1.
The mapping production team member shall communicate status regularly, especially at task completion, to the PM. The PM will mark the task as complete.
This process begins with modeling production team member research of the data collection worksheet, additional communication with the district, and model setup using the pre-model GIS data deliverable. Completed hydraulic models and hydraulic data for consequences models are finalized and sent to consequences and mapping team members for further processing and product development.
Communication with the district will begin after the data collection worksheet has been sent. The modeling team lead and PM will contact district personnel to discuss the PWP. The PM will confirm the initial estimates of work schedule and design parameters prior to beginning the modeling process. The final PWP is filed in the project SharePoint folder.
Meeting modeling expectations will be documented by modeling team leads using the following metrics: model quality and meeting project schedule due dates. Modeling team leads are available to provide guidance on measurable MMC metrics (for metrics definitions, see Appendix 1.7).
For more details describing each step, see the Technical Manual for Program Management and MMC modeling SOP appendices.
Modeling files and results are key MMC Production Center products that feed the consequences, documentation, and mapping production efforts. Product development is complex and time consuming; this effort is the most demanding phase of the MMC Production Center process. In most instances, an unsteady HEC-RAS one-dimensional (1D) and/or two-dimensional (2D) model will be developed in support of the MMC program. This section of the SOP will outline HEC-RAS 1D and 2D hydraulic model development within the MMC Production Center.
To successfully complete hydraulic modeling for an MMC dam breach study, a high level of training and experience using HEC-RAS software is required. In addition to practical experience, the following USACE PROSPECT courses are highly recommended to prepare modeling team members.
The MMC training plan is available on the Team SharePoint site for additional information on required and recommended classes and experience.
The following section outlines the resources needed for model development as well as information on MMC SharePoint collaboration sites which house the latest MMC program guidance. Information on data transmission for the modeling, mapping, and consequence production process is also covered in this section.
The team member will need to be assigned a USACE ACE-IT desktop/laptop that has the Science and Engineering specifications. The team member may need to request an external hard drive to store production model scenario data sets locally. Requests for external hard drives can be submitted to the MMC team lead or MMC technical lead; however, available resources may be limited.
The MMC team members will not receive administrative rights on assigned equipment. If a user has a need for software installation, the ACE-IT Service Track system will be used to enter a request. Modelers should use the latest approved version of all software applications. Modeling team leads can provide guidance on software versions.
Application | Version |
ArcGIS Pro | 2.X |
RASMapper | |
HEC-RAS | 6.2 |
HEC-DSSVue | 3.0 |
Bentley ProjectWise | Current ACE-IT version |
The MMC Team SharePoint site contains program information, reports, documentation, and policies. This collaboration site supports MMC members only. MMC Team SharePoint site link:
The MMC Community of Practice (COP) SharePoint site contains program information, policies, documentation, and reports and is open to Corps employees. Personnel with a common access card (CAC) can connect to the collaboration site. MMC COP SharePoint site:
The MMC file share is located in the Western Processing Center (WPC) and contains draft and final model data within project folders. MMC file share access is required. The MMC file share link is:
The MMC program requires the use of a virtual production team for GIS data production, modeling, consequence assessment, and review. Because of data transfers required for analysis, a project folder is assigned to each study dam on the MMC file share. The project folder houses all data used for the study throughout the entire process. The project folder adheres to a standardized structure and will originate with the pre-model GIS data prepared by the mapping team.
A project hard drive will be assigned and used for the delivery of large project data files that cannot be transferred across the wide area network (WAN), as needed.
It is important that all data on the project hard drive and within the project folder adheres to the standardized folder structure presented in Figure 2-1. Non-pertinent and legacy data is not to be uploaded to the hard drive or within the MMC file share project folder in order to maintain clarity.
The MMC project folders for model production and reviews will be housed on the MMC file share to maximize MMC data and file management during the production process. Once the production process is complete, final project data and reports will be uploaded to the MMC data viewer and the CEDALS ProjectWise server described in Section 4.1.4 of this document.
The schedule, scope, and budget of the modeling effort is captured in the work plans described in Section 2. The assigned hydraulic modeler should discuss specifics with the modeling team lead. The work plans are loaded to the project folder on the MMC Team SharePoint site, link available in Section
Funding requests for MMC levee modeling work are entered through the online funding request system:
After the scope of the modeling effort is established, the first step of the hydraulic modeling process is to take an inventory of the available base data. As described in Section 2.4, the pre-model dataset that includes NLD GIS data, NLD levee profile data, land cover data, DEM, and dam pertinent information will be included. Additional data from the home district may be provided if identified during the kick-off call.
It is the responsibility of the assigned modeler to examine the quality and completeness of the pre-model dataset. The modeler should coordinate with the MMC mapping team lead and the home district contacts to ensure the best available data is being used from the beginning.
New unsteady HEC-RAS models will be prepared utilizing existing USACE and local data (when available) to supplement new model inputs derived from the pre-model GIS dataset. Because of the large scale of the models and simulation requirements, it is important only to use data sources that are not cost or time prohibitive and will improve model accuracy. Once the modeler receives the data from the mapping team, the modeler should review the data to get an overview of the entire study to be performed.
Data for MMC studies will come from two sources: existing district data and the pre-model GIS data package.
Much of the pertinent data regarding the dam and area downstream will come from the district office in which the dam is located (owning district). Data should be requested from the owning district using the MMC Data Collection Worksheet (Section 2.1), and subsequent follow up with the owning district POC. This worksheet is sent to the owning district of the subject dam to catalogue the information that is available for the dam. This worksheet will inform the modeler of what existing data is available. The modeler will then do a data call to the district contact noted on the district data collection worksheet to request the data pertinent to model development. At a minimum, information required for MMC Dam breach modeling will include the dam water control manual (WCM), daily period of record pool elevation dataset (or a previously developed pool elevation duration exceedance curve), and information related to the latest approved PMF or design flood study.
Existing district data may include, but is not limited to:
Ground surface data obtained from outside sources for use in MMC Production Center dam studies should meet minimum accuracy and resolution requirements. Minimum resolution for the MMC Production Center is 10-meter grid format. Minimum accuracy for the MMC Production Center is NED. More accurate data (possibly at the same 10-meter resolution) may be used if available and not production prohibitive.
For new studies, standard pre-model data will be provided to the modeler by the mapping production team. See Section 2.4 in this document for additional information regarding pre-model data development. The intent of the MMC Production Center is for the modeler to be able to prepare a model suitable for analysis using this data in conjunction with the water control manual. Certain cases may require additional data. Pre-production data will include the following information:
The digitized stream centerline and banklines should be verified by the modeler. If changes or corrections are made by the modeler the mapping team should be notified in order to maintain a consistent dataset for the production process.
At a minimum, the mapping production team member will supply 10-meter cell size NED. If better data exist in the form of LiDAR, bathymetry, or other elevation data, the modeler must decide whether or not to augment the initial pre-model GIS product, balancing tradeoffs between improvements to model quality and increased production time and costs. The modeler should coordinate with the mapping team member, who can support the modeler if needed to perform processing of any district-supplied elevation data.
The most common beneficial enhancements to the pre-model GIS dataset are incorporating bathymetric data into the DEM, "burning in" levee elevations, and using topographic data sources that are better than what is available in the NED. These enhancements may be performed by either the assigned modeler or the mapping production team member. However, exact steps to follow are contingent upon the format, quality, content, projection(s), and datum(s) of the source datasets. Extreme care must be taken during processing to limit the introduction of errors into the final compiled elevation model. For further information on pertinent data included in dam breach models refer to the RAS Mapper user's manual and the HEC-RAS 2D modeling user's manual, which details physical features that can be incorporated into HEC-RAS geometry using RASMapper.
The Modeling Team Lead and PM will update the PWP with data received from the district. If the district does not provide additional information, the MMC will utilize initial estimates and design parameters identified prior to beginning the modeling process.
For certain types of navigation dams and other dams, such as flood retarding structure and hurricane protection barriers, downstream flooding and consequences due to dam breach may be negligible, limiting the need for, or the benefits of, modeling and inundation mapping. A screening assessment tool has been developed to quickly estimate whether dam breach for these assets will result in significant consequences, which will drive the need for modeling and mapping. Figure 3-1 demonstrates the step-by-step flowchart required for screening low-to-medium head and navigation dams. Benefits lost and other economic consequence estimations will be conducted for all projects, regardless of modeling and mapping needs.
The companion flow chart elements have alphanumeric identifiers. The narrative sections that follow correlate to these identifiers. Elements labeled D(i) indicate decision elements, P(i) indicate process elements, and F(i) indicate final elements.
Figure 3-1. Modeling, Mapping, and Consequences Model Screening Process
The modeler is expected to use engineering judgment while using this screening process and should err on the side of conservative when a decision point is unclear. The engineer is encouraged to use available SPRA data as supplementary information to make informative decisions about each step. Any major deviation from the screening process requires appropriate coordination from the MMC team.
This first decision box is the common-sense test. If, due to size and obvious downstream hazards, a dam should have a full analysis completed, the modeler can skip the entire screening process and flag the dam for further analysis. An example of a dam obviously requiring complete analysis is a high-head dam (>40 feet head differential) with a population center immediately downstream.
The modeler should utilize current aerial photography or land use mapping to determine if there are potential consequences in the downstream routing reach. The engineer should use judgment regarding the length of the downstream reach. In general, the downstream reach should extend to a point where the flood wave is expected to be less than two feet above normal river stages. If needed, this can be estimated using the head differential ratio graph presented and discussed in Step P3.
If no potential downstream consequences are observed and the engineer is confident that the base mapping is current and accurate, the engineer selects no and the process for this dam ends. Conversely, a yes or unknown continues the process.
The modeler should use design or operational documents, topographic mapping, or other readily available information to determine if the maximum head differential across the dam is more than five feet (for most low head and navigation dams the largest differential will occur during under non-flood conditions). If yes, the screening process continues.
Background: Compilation of results from previously completed dam breach analyses has shown the maximum breach flood wave height for low head dams is approximately 40 percent of the total head differential at the time of breach. Five feet was chosen because it translates to approximately a two-foot maximum flood wave which is deemed to be generally low hazard in consequence analysis.
The modeler should use judgment at this phase. If, for example, there is a low-lying recreation area or some other hazard immediately below a five-foot head differential dam, further analysis may be warranted.
The modeler should research whether an appropriate, easily useable digital model is available and suitable to produce a dam breach. A no at this step takes the modeler to process 1 (P1): compute Qbreach using an empirical method. A yes at this step takes the modeler to process 2 (P2), in which the existing model would be converted to an unsteady-flow dam breach model.
The modeler shall compute Qbreach for the study dam. The intention at this step is to use a simplistic, empirical method to estimate the breach peak. Several potential methods include:
If deemed appropriate, attenuation to the maximum Qbreach can be computed. This would likely involve an estimate of the breach hydrograph shape using engineering judgment, with the computed Qbreach being the peak discharge just downstream of the study dam. A simple HEC-HMS, hydrologic (or HEC-1), or HEC-RAS unsteady flow model could be developed to route the breach hydrograph downstream through the study reach, simulating attenuation.
It is suggested that the modeler calculate Qbreach using two methods, when practical, for verification.
The modeler should compare Qbreach to the published minimum flood stage flow for the downstream hazard reach. Flood stage and flood stage flows may be taken from stream gage data and/or FEMA FIS reports, especially near population centers. However, an established flood stage may not be available in all study reaches.
Assuming an existing, suitable model was identified in step D4, the modeler converts the model to simulate a dam breach and route the breach hydrograph downstream. If available, the engineer could truncate an existing model to the area of interest and execute the model to estimate inundation elevations.
Assuming maximum breach elevations have been established or estimated for the downstream study reach, the modeler should utilize geographic information system (GIS) methods to plot the maximum breach inundation limits on the best available terrain data.
If no breach profile is available, the modeler can use the head differential ratio relationship if appropriate for the study dam.
Compiled results from previously computed dam breach models have shown there are fairly consistent trends in the breach flood wave height compared to the maximum head differential of a dam. These trends are plotted against the downstream distance and used to estimate the inundation elevation as a function of distance and starting head difference. Figure 3-2 illustrates data collected to date. This method will continue to be refined as more data is gathered.
Figure 3-2. Head Differential Ratio versus Distance Downstream
In some scenarios, the difference between the TIN elevations and the peak profile will be negligible to the point that no inundation limits are plotted. In this case, proceed to step D6 and utilize breach elevations for comparison downstream to determine consequences.
The modeler should compare the maximum breach inundation limits against available aerial imagery or other mapping sources to determine if downstream consequences are predicted to be inundated from a dam breach. Hazards include, but are not limited to, habitable structures, crucial infrastructure, recreation areas (campgrounds), casino boats, etc. The modeler must be confident that the base mapping is accurate and current.
If inundation limits could not be established in step P3, the modeler may compare the breach profile elevations against other known flood stages downstream, such as reported minimum flood stage elevations at gages.
This step reveals that the low head or navigation dam is unlikely to cause significant damages should a dam breach occur. Comprehensive analysis is not required. Evaluator should complete the consequences evaluation without comprehensive modeling or mapping.
This step reveals that the study dam may pose significant risk to downstream hazards should a dam breach occur. Additional analysis is required.
Figure 3-3. Navigation Dam (Screened Out) Scenario-Pool Relationships
The current state of practice in hydraulic modeling for USACE projects utilizes the HEC's suite of software and GIS tools for developing hydraulic models, modeling various scenarios, efficiently updating models, and exporting results to the consequence estimation model. The software is endorsed by the Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Coastal Engineering (HH&C) COP and maintained by the HEC.
The goal of the MMC modeling team is to create geo-referenced unsteady 1D and 2D models capable of producing accurate mapping and consequence analysis across a wide range of scenarios. Most dams modeled as part of the MMC program are located in a typical riverine system which a 1D model can accurately model. However, some projects may have conditions where a 2D model is absolutely necessary which include extremely flat areas, large interior areas, complex topography with multiple flow paths, and/or highly urbanized areas. In general, the preferred methodology for these cases are to use a 2D hydraulic model.
The key products delivered by the MMC Production Center's modeling team members for dam safety projects are as follows:
Modeling specifics have been adopted by the MMC to maintain consistency and integrity for all models created as part of the program. This section will cover HEC-RAS Project specifics such as naming conventions and description field information used by MMC.
Each scenario, breach and non-breach, created for the MMC Production Center will have a separate plan file named as detailed in the table that follows. Detailed description of these scenarios are presented in Section 3.4.4. Depending on whether the dam is a run-of-river navigation dam or flood risk management dam, each dam loading condition will share an unsteady flow file named according to the tables that follow.
RAS Plan Name | Short ID | Unsteady Flow Data Name |
Maximum High Pool-Breach | MH Breach | Maximum High Pool |
Maximum High Pool-Non-breach | MH Non-breach | Maximum High Pool |
Intermediate High Pool-Breach | IH Breach | Intermediate High Pool |
Intermediate High Pool-Non-breach | IH Non-breach | Intermediate High Pool |
Top of Active Storage-Breach | TAS Breach | Top of Active Storage |
Top of Active Storage-Non-breach | TAS Non-breach | Top of Active Storage |
Security Scenario-Breach | SS Breach | Security Pool |
Security Scenario-Non-breach | SS Non-breach | Security Pool |
Normal High Pool-Breach | NH Breach | Normal High Pool |
Normal High Pool-Non-breach | NH Non-breach | Normal High Pool |
RAS Plan Name | Short ID | Unsteady Flow Data Name |
Maximum High Pool-Breach | MH Breach | Maximum High Pool |
Maximum High Pool-Non-breach | MH Non-breach | Maximum High Pool |
Intermediate High Pool-Breach | IH Breach | Intermediate High Pool |
Intermediate High Pool-Non-breach | IH Non-breach | Intermediate High Pool |
Navigation Pool Channel Capacity-Breach | NPC Breach | Nav Pool Channel Capacity |
Navigation Pool Channel Capacity-Non-breach | NPC Non-breach | Nav Pool Channel Capacity |
Intermediate Low Pool-Breach | IL Breach | Intermediate Low Pool |
Intermediate Low Pool-Non-breach | IL Non-breach | Intermediate Low Pool |
Normal Navigation Pool-Breach | NP Breach | Normal Nav Pool |
Normal Navigation Pool-Non-breach | NP Non-breach | Normal Nav Pool |
The HEC-RAS model geometry represents the physical constraints over which flow from the dam breach scenario will be routed. In order to have a complete model, constraints on both flow and time must be developed for analysis. These constraints will represent a range of loading conditions within the reservoir.
A HEC-RAS plan file is required to set the time constraints, computational settings, and model output for each modeled scenario. In addition, the breach plan is housed within the plan file. Specifics on the model plan files for MMC models is presented in this section of the SOP under "Plan Files for MMC Scenarios."
A HEC-RAS flow file is required to specify inflow hydrographs, downstream flow conditions, and gate operations at the dam. Specifics regarding model flow files for MMC are presented in this section of the SOP under "Flow Files for MMC Scenarios".
The combination of geometry, flow, and plan files is used to compute each model scenario. The model scenarios for MMC efforts are presented below.
Standard pre-model GIS data will be utilized as the base for building the HEC-RAS model when an appropriate existing model is not available. DEMs and all shapefiles shall be developed in accordance with specifications set in Section 1.4.
Web imagery data sources linked to the HEC-RAS application are used for development in RASMapper.
A stream centerline shapefile will be provided by the mapping team for use in the model. The assigned modeler may adjust the initial centerline as necessary. If changes to the stream centerline occur during the modeling process, coordination with the mapping team must occur to ensure consistency between the model and the mapping. The mapping production team member is available to assist upon request.
Channel Bed Slope (per river mile) | Cross Section Spacing (feet) |
2 feet or less | 2,000-2,500 |
2-10 feet | 1,500 |
10 feet or greater | 500-1,000 |
NLCD ID | Land Cover Description | Manning's "n" Value Range |
11 | Open Water | 0.025-0.05 |
21 | Developed, Open Space | 0.03-0.05 |
22 | Developed, Low Intensity | 0.06-0.12 |
23 | Developed, Medium Intensity | 0.08-0.16 |
24 | Developed, High Intensity | 0.12-0.20 |
31 | Barren Land | 0.023-0.030 |
41 | Deciduous Forest | 0.10-0.20 |
42 | Evergreen Forest | 0.08-0.16 |
43 | Mixed Forest | 0.08-0.20 |
52 | Shrub/Scrub | 0.07-0.16 |
71 | Grassland/Herbaceous | 0.025-0.05 |
81 | Pasture/Hay | 0.025-0.05 |
82 | Cultivated Crops | 0.02-0.05 |
90 | Woody Wetlands | 0.045-0.15 |
95 | Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands | 0.05-0.085 |
Source: HEC-RAS River Analysis System 2D Modeling User's Manual, Version 6.0, May 2021. |
For additional details on HEC-RAS 2D, see the HEC-RAS 2D Modeling User's Manual.
The USACE has established a standard set of five modeling scenarios covering a range of pool elevations, representing minimum and maximum normal operating conditions as well as select extreme loading conditions designed to capture the upper limit of potential downstream consequences (Figure 3-4). The MMC program will consider alternative scenarios for flood risk management, dry flood risk management, navigation, and other dams such as flood retarding structures and hurricane protection barriers. To assess consequences more thoroughly, scenarios will be run for both breach and non-breach conditions.
Figure 3-4. Flood Control Dam Scenario-Pool Relationships
Model Scenarios | Inflow Requirements | Initial Pool | Breach Pool Elevation | Breach Mode | Time of Breach |
MH Pool (Breach) | IDF hydrograph | As specified in scenario narrative | Peak pool elevation produced by design inflow | Overtopping or piping for elevations less than TOD | Breach occurs when pool elevation equals MH pool |
MH Pool
(Non-breach) |
IDF hydrograph | As specified in scenario narrative | N/A | N/A | N/A |
IH Pool (Breach) | Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces an elevation corresponding to a maximum downstream discharge approximately halfway between the TAS and MH downstream discharges | Same initial pool as that used in the MH scenario | Elevation defined as a pool corresponding to a maximum discharge approximately halfway between the TAS and MH downstream discharges | Piping | Breach occurs at time of peak elevation |
IH Pool
(Non-breach) |
Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces an elevation corresponding to a maximum downstream discharge approximately halfway between the TAS and MH downstream discharges | Same initial pool as that used in the MH scenario | N/A | N/A | N/A |
TAS (Breach) | Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces the TAS elevation | 10% exceedance duration pool | TAS | Piping | Breach occurs at time of peak elevation |
(Non-breach) |
Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces the TAS elevation | 10% exceedance duration pool | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Model Scenarios | Inflow Requirements | Initial Pool | Breach Pool Elevation | Breach Mode | Time of Breach |
SS Pool (Breach) | Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces the 1% exceedance duration pool elevation under normal gate operations | 10% exceedance duration pool | 1% exceedance duration elevation | Piping | Breach occurs at time of peak elevation |
SS Pool
(Non-breach) |
Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces the 1% exceedance duration pool elevation under normal gate operations | 10% exceedance duration pool | N/A | N/A | N/A |
NH Pool (Breach) | Constant inflow hydrograph as required to produce the 10% exceedance duration pool under normal gate operations | 10% exceedance duration pool | 10% exceedance duration elevation | Piping | 24 hours after model initiation |
NH Pool
(Non-Breach) |
Constant inflow hydrograph as required to produce the 10% exceedance duration pool under normal gate operations | 10% exceedance duration pool | N/A | N/A | N/A |
RAS Plan Name | Short ID | Unsteady Flow Data Name |
Maximum High Pool-Breach Cascading | MH Breach Cascading | Maximum High Pool |
TAS Pool-Breach Cascading | TAS Breach Cascading | Top of Active Storage Pool |
The MMC will use the district-provided IDF which for most cases will factor in the operation of upstream reservoirs. For the base MMC scenarios, the MMC will not consider alternate operations of the upstream reservoirs other than what was done in the computation of the IDF.
Every scenario modeled for the MMC Production Center will have a separate HEC-RAS plan file. The plan file contains data designating the geometry and flow files associated with the model scenario. The plan file also contains information on the simulation time window and computational settings. Breach parameters are also stored within the plan file for breach scenarios. Each model created for the MMC Production Center will contain a plan file for each of the ten scenarios (five breach and five non-breach) presented in the Table 3-7.
Event | RAS Plan Name | Short ID | Unsteady Flow Data Name |
1 | Maximum High Pool-Breach | MH Breach | Maximum High Pool |
2 | Maximum High Pool-Non-breach | MH Non-breach | Maximum High Pool |
3 | Intermediate High Pool-Breach | IH Breach | Intermediate High Pool |
4 | Intermediate High Pool-Non-breach | IH Non-breach | Intermediate High Pool |
5 | Top of Active Storage-Breach | TAS Breach | Top of Active Storage |
6 | Top of Active Storage-Non-breach | TAS Non-breach | Top of Active Storage |
7 | Security Scenario-Breach | SS Breach | Security Pool |
8 | Security Scenario-Non-breach | SS Non-breach | Security Pool |
9 | Normal High Pool-Breach | NH Breach | Normal High Pool |
10 | Normal High Pool-Non-breach | NH Non-breach | Normal High Pool |
The USACE has established a standard set of five modeling scenarios
covering a range of pool elevations, representing minimum and maximum
normal operating conditions as well as select extreme loading
conditions designed to capture the upper limit of potential downstream
consequences (Figure 3-5).
Figure 3-5. Navigation Dam (Not Screened Out) Scenario-Pool Relationships
Model Scenarios | Inflow Requirements | Initial Pool | Breach Pool Elevation | Breach Mode | Time of Breach |
MH Pool (Breach) | IDF hydrograph | As specified in scenario narrative | Peak pool elevation produced by design inflow | Overtopping or piping for elevations less than TOD | Breach occurs when pool elevation equals MH pool |
MH Pool
(Non-breach) |
IDF hydrograph | As specified in scenario narrative | N/A | N/A | N/A |
IH Pool (Breach) | Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces a downstream discharge approximately halfway between the NPC and MH downstream discharges | Same initial pool as that used in the MH scenario | Elevation defined as a pool corresponding to a downstream discharge approximately halfway between the NPC and MH downstream discharges | Piping | Breach occurs at time of peak flow |
IH Pool
(Non-breach) |
Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces a downstream discharge approximately halfway between the NPC and MH downstream discharges | Same initial pool as that used in the MH scenario | N/A | N/A | N/A |
NPC (Breach) | Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces downstream discharges equal to channel capacity | NN pool | Elevation defined as navigation pool corresponding to downstream channel capacity | Piping | Breach occurs at time of peak flow |
Model Scenarios | Inflow Requirements | Initial Pool | Breach Pool Elevation | Breach Mode | Time of Breach |
(Non-breach) |
Scaled IDF hydrograph that produces downstream discharges equal to channel capacity | NN pool | N/A | N/A | N/A |
IL Pool (Breach) | Scaled IDF hydrograph as required to produce a downstream discharge halfway between the NPC and NN pool downstream discharges under normal gate operations | NN pool | Elevation corresponding to downstream discharges equal to approximately halfway between the NPC and NN pool downstream discharges | Piping | Breach occurs at time of peak flow |
IL Pool
(Non-breach) |
Scaled IDF hydrograph as required to produce a downstream discharge halfway between the NPC and NN pool downstream discharges under normal gate operations | NN pool | N/A | N/A | N/A |
NN Pool (Breach) | Constant inflow hydrograph as required to produce the NN pool under normal gate operations | NN pool | NN pool | Piping | 24 hours after model initiation |
NN Pool
(Non-breach) |
Constant inflow hydrograph as required to produce the NN pool under normal gate operations | NN pool | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Modeling of dam breach and non-breach scenarios requires inflow flood hydrographs for areas both upstream of the dam and inflow hydrographs for downstream tributary reaches. Inflow flood conditions into the reservoir and coincident tributary flow into the modeled reach downstream of the dam can have a significant impact on consequence determination in a dam breach analysis. In addition to consequence estimation, these inflow hydrographs should be used to ascertain the appropriateness of the model for future use in RAs and IESs. Presented below are inflow conditions, antecedent pool levels, and downstream boundary conditions for MMC scenarios.
Hydrograph ordinates will be scaled by a constant factor through an iterative process until the desired pool elevation for the particular scenario is obtained.
The MMC will use the district-provided IDF which for most cases will factor in the operation of upstream reservoirs. For the base MMC scenarios, the MMC will not consider alternate operations of the upstream reservoirs other than what was done in the computation of the IDF.
For additional guidance on how to incorporate gage rating data into HEC-RAS for calibration, see the HEC-RAS User's Manual.
Every scenario modeled for the MMC Production Center will have a separate HEC-RAS plan file. The plan file contains data designating the geometry and flow files associated with the model scenario. The plan file also contains information on the simulation time window and computational settings. Breach parameters are also stored within the plan file for breach scenarios. Each model created for the MMC Production Center will contain a plan file for each of the ten scenarios (five breach and five non-breach) presented in the table that follows.
Event | RAS Plan Name | Short ID | Unsteady Flow Data Name |
1 | Maximum High Pool-Breach | MH Breach | Maximum High Pool |
2 | Maximum High Pool-Non-breach | MH Non-breach | Maximum High Pool |
3 | Intermediate High-Breach | IH Breach | Intermediate High Pool |
4 | Intermediate High-Non-breach | IH Non-breach | Intermediate High Pool |
5 | Nav Pool Channel Capacity-Breach | NPC Breach | Nav Pool Channel Capacity |
6 | Nav Pool Channel Capacity-Non-breach | NPC Non-breach | Nav Pool Channel Capacity |
7 | Intermediate Low Pool-Breach | IL Breach | Intermediate Low Pool |
8 | Intermediate Low Pool-Non-breach | IL Non-breach | Intermediate Low Pool |
9 | Normal Nav Pool-Breach | NN Breach | Normal Nav Pool |
10 | Normal Nav Pool-Non-breach | NN Non-breach | Normal Nav Pool |
For additional guidance, see the HEC-RAS User's Manual.
Breach parameters for the breach scenarios should follow the guidance presented below. It is recommended that the modeler successfully execute a non-breach scenario model run before running the breach scenario.
If the project has both an earthen and a concrete section, conduct a MH breach scenario on each. The results are used as a consideration when determining which segment to model further.
Models developed for the MMC Production Center should compute all scenarios with minimal computational error. Instability in unsteady HEC-RAS model runs is probable during initial simulation. It is likely to take the modeler several iterations before instabilities are fully addressed in the model. The acceptable level of computational error is relative to the specifics of the project being modeled, but acceptable values will be addressed during the model review period and can be discussed with the production team lead.
HEC-RAS has an option to run in a mixed-flow regime mode. This mode is discouraged unless engineering judgment determines the system is a mixed-flow regime river system. If mixed flow is used for runs, then reasons for its use should be discussed in modeling portion of the documentation report. For further guidance see the HEC-RAS User's Manual.
It is recommended that the MH pool scenario be executed before other scenarios have been entered into the model. Once the model has been adjusted so that all MMC Production Center requirements are met, the modeler should enter plan and flow data for all remaining MMC scenarios.
Once the model is stable for all scenarios, it is ready for the interim review. In order to maintain clarity in the data and reduce potential error in data interpretation the following standards on output data have been adopted by the MMC.
HEC-RAS model output is stored in model output files (.O1), HEC-Data Storage System (.DSS) format, and Hierarchical Data Format, version 5 (e.g., *.g0n.hdf and *.p0n.hdf). It is imperative that models delivered for review and ultimately delivered to mapping contain only output data for the finalized scenario runs. It is good practice, once the model has been finalized, to delete all extraneous plans and output files including the .DSS file and re-run all plans so that only HEC-RAS output associated with the 10 scenarios is maintained and ultimately delivered for review and mapping. This can also be accomplished by executing a "File/Save As" to a new location and then re-running all 10 MMC plans. Ideally, all scenarios should be written to a single DSS file rather than having a separate DSS file for each scenario. However, depending on data constraints, separate DSS files may be needed.
All stage and output locations should be selected in the model plan file under the options/stage and flow output locations. This should include any interpolated cross sections within the geometry.
Changes in flow or stage at the beginning of the model run must be addressed. These drops will create problems in the consequence and mapping stages of the MMC production process. These drops are typically caused by differences in initial flow conditions and cumulative inflows upstream of a particular location. Initial flow at a cross section should be equal to the added first flow ordinates from the inflow hydrographs upstream of that particular location. Initial flows should only be set at flow change locations in the model.
The following model output checks should be performed to ensure the model is accurately computing flows and WS elevations at all cross sections:
The final dataset should include only the relevant output from the final runs and all output from intermediate runs should be removed.
Final MMC Production Center HEC-RAS model deliverables are listed below. File extension numbers .01 may vary from the following example. Green text should be modified for specific project.
Corresponding run (.r01), output (.o01), and hdf (.p01.hdf and .g01.hdf) files should also be included. DSS files will contain only model runs required by the MMC Production Center.
The following deliverables are produced within RASMapper.
See the HEC-RAS 2D Modeling User's Manual for further information.
All modelers will complete the pertinent data tab, the H&H data tab, and the H&H timing tab, and fill in contact information for the modeler in the MMC contact info tab during the initial stages of the modeling process. On the pertinent data tab, the modeler will validate the values within column C, and in column H enter the date, his or her first and last name initials, and the resource where the numeric or textual value was found (e.g., 8/28/19 AB: WCM, pg. 4). If a change is made, column H should include the data that was changed (e.g., Changed from 32,000). The resource information is a critical piece of information to have during the product review stage. The modeling lead will review the completed H&H data and sign off as the reviewer in the MMC contact info tab.
The modeler should use the CTS worksheet facility info tab to fill in tabular values in the documentation report. In using this strategy, the MMC products will be consistent for the district customer use.
All models completed for MMC will have a corresponding Hydraulic Modeling and Consequences Summary (HMCAS). This report summarizes pertinent aspects of the modeling effort associated with each scenario. Within the report is a discussion of the inputs needed by the modeler. The modeler should fill in the change table on page ii of the report indicating the date the report was developed or changed.
The HMCAS is housed in the MMC Team SharePoint project folder because multiple members of the MMC production team collaborate to prepare the report throughout the production process. Marked up and edited versions of the report are to be maintained on SharePoint at all times.
Pertinent model data will be inserted within the HMCAS that is on the MMC Sharepoint website and provided for both the interim and compliance review.
A summary of model assumptions and difficulties should be included within the HMCAS to support and facilitate initial review.
In order to create consistency in reported breach times by all members of the MMC production team a standardized method for reporting breach initiation time has been adopted. The breach time for a particular scenario is found by opening the HEC-RAS models and selecting the "View Runtime Messages" in the options menu of the breach plan file. The time of breach initiation will be reported in the runtime messages for the selected breach plan. The NH pool for flood risk management dams and NN pool for navigation dams breach initiation times will be set to 03 FEB 2099 at 2400.
The breach wave arrival time for MMC is defined as the time at which increased WS elevation at a given point is the result of a breach of an upstream impoundment structure such as a dam. The breach wave arrival time is calculated by comparing hydrographs at a given location for breach and non-breach scenarios. The conditions of the non-breach scenario should only differ from the breach scenario in the fact that the structure in question breaches, increasing the flow capacity at its location. The two hydrographs, plotted together should be identical until the time at which the WS elevation in the breach hydrograph rises above the non-breach hydrograph, indicating increased flows as a result of the breach. A difference of two feet between hydrograph values has been chosen as the indicator value for the breach wave arrival.
Model review is an extremely important part of the MMC production process. Several review steps are required to ensure that models consistently represent all project scenarios and that the model will accurately represent the consequences associated with each scenario. A review checklist will be used to track comments regarding aspects that are checked through the review process. The review checklist will live with the model and be used throughout the entire review process (i.e., interim review and final review). A copy of the review checklist is available in the SharePoint project folder.
The model itself will go through a series of three reviews (listed below) during the production process.
All MMC products for review will be delivered via MMC share drive or the project hard drive.
The model team lead will submit HMCAS to the modeling technical lead after a technical review of the documentation and CTS is accomplished. The model reviewer will sign off on the CTS worksheet MMC Contacts tab verifying a model review has been accomplished. The technical lead will sign off on the CTS as the reviewer in the contacts tab. The following steps are taken to officially finalize a modeling effort:
The peer review and IQR comments will be incorporated into the model data. Care should be given to assure that both the documentation report and CTS are consistent with model data. Once the district model IQR and peer reviews are complete and all edits have been made, the modeling technical lead will make the decision if there are additional items to be addressed. If no additional review is needed, the model is declared final by modeling technical lead. Modeling data should then be packaged and uploaded to the RMC file share production folder (E. Final Model). If a project hard drive has been used, its contents will be moved to file share at this point. See Figure 2-1 for MMC delivery file structure.
HEC-LifeSim consequence modeling requires the final HEC-RAS model itself with the terrain and RAS Mapper grid outputs included. The only extra step required is to create a folder within the HEC-RAS model that includes the model geometry exported from RAS Mapper. These files include shapefiles for items such as the stream centerline, cross sections, storage areas, bank lines, and 2D storage areas.
The workflow process for delivering data to the consequences team is as follows:
GIS modeling deliverables will include files and data used in interfacing GIS data with the HEC-RAS model. Final GIS deliverables will include final maps, DEMs used in creating models, supplemental ground surface data, pre-HEC-RAS geodatabases, pre-HEC-RAS GIS export files used in model creation, and any additional shapefiles used in modeling.
The final HEC-RAS deliverable will contain the final model with the file structure (Figure 2-1).
The reference material deliverable is to contain all materials used in model development that do not fall under the GIS_Modeling folder. All data supporting the model should be included. This may include, but is not limited to, the following:
Go to the SharePoint MMC Project Reports folder for the project and verify the modeling portion of the associated project report is complete with all edits from previous review incorporated. Modeling data is required in the HMCAS, HMCAS NAV, and ASH.
The MMC project handoff PowerPoint is used to present hydraulic model findings overview. The PPT template is in the project folder on the Team SharePoint project folder.
PPT is filled in by the modeler following model district IQR.
This section summarizes the process performed by the consequences team member once the consequences team receives modeling internal deliverables.
Specific how-to instruction documents for much of the consequences work can be found on the Consequences Wiki system on the MMC Team SharePoint site:
The primary structure inventory is developed from the USACE National Structure Inventory (NSI). The NSI is a data service with a base dataset containing estimated information regarding the locations, building types, population, values, and other relevant information for all residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, public and private structures across the nation. The base version 2 dataset developed in 2019 utilizes parcel data, Census data, Microsoft building footprints, and several other sources that serve as a basis for estimating flood hazard consequences. Population and structure values are estimated from a variety of sources, but are intended to reflect 2017 population levels and 2018 price levels.
The NSI is clipped to the study area. The population and dollar values are indexed from their base year to the most recent year available. If possible, structures within the highest non-damaging inundation zone are redistributed outside of that zone.
Emergency planning zones (EPZs) are based on the study area boundary and include polygons which delineate the in-pool area and any downstream double warning area. This is accomplished by combining the study area with the non-breach inundation boundary (typically the MH and IH non-breach scenarios). When double warning is not required (typically TAS and lower), any EPZ file can be used. If multiple scenarios with different non-breach inundation areas require double warning, those scenarios use separate EPZs.
A damage reaches polygon shapefile is developed in order to aggregate the consequence results to specific damage reaches in the simulation. The damage reaches polygon delineates the following six reaches: in-pool, 0-3 miles, 3-7 miles, 7-15 miles, 15-60 miles, and greater than 60 miles.
A nationwide town/city area shapefile is intersected with the study area. The resulting polygons are extracted to a new file and used in the simulations to aggregate consequence results.
Evacuation on roads will typically not be modeled on a standard MMC dam
breach assessment. Exceptions may be made when evacuation will be a
known risk driver.
Figure 4-1. Conceptual diagram illustrating the flood warning and evacuation timeline.
The hazard identification value is the time, in hours, from the imminent hazard defined by the selected hydraulic data. Typically, the hazard is identified relative to breach initiation time. There are two different warning scenarios with different ranges of hazard identification time: minimal warning and ample warning. Minimal warning scenarios have the hazard identification relative time set as a uniform distribution between two hours prior to breach and the time of breach (-2 to 0 hours). Ample warning scenarios have the hazard identification relative time set as a uniform distribution between six hours prior to breach and two hours prior to breach (-6 to -2). In-pool areas and non-breach areas on double warning scenarios are set at least 72 hours prior to the simulation start in order to allow for maximum mobilization. Warning times for in-pool and non-breach zones should be in a 24-hour increment relative to the breach in order to maintain an equivalent daytime/nighttime population distribution in the results.
Warning Scenario | Distribution | Minimum | Maximum |
Minimal | Uniform | -2 | 0 |
Ample | Uniform | -6 | -2 |
In-pool and Non-breach Zones | None | Approximately -72 hours prior to simulation start (on a 24-hour increment relative to breach) |
The hazard communication delay is the time it takes from when the hazard is identified to when the EPZ representatives are notified. For example, if a breach occurs when no one is observing the project, the emergency managers could be notified one hour after the hazard is identified. The hazard communication delay is set as a uniform distribution between 0.01 to 0.5 hours.
The warning issuance delay is the time it takes from when the emergency managers receive the notification of the imminent hazard to when they issue an evacuation order to the public. The warning issuance delay is set at the preset configuration of Preparedness Unknown, which utilizes a Lindell uncertainty distribution. The delay is randomly sampled from 0-6 hours, but is positively skewed such that results from 0-1.5 hours are more likely.
The first alert parameter defines the warning diffusion curve for daytime and nighttime. The diffusion curve represents the rate at which the PAR receive a first warning alert over time relative to the hazard identification. The first alert curves are set at the preset configuration of Unknown, which samples from a uniform uncertainty distribution where the percent of the PAR warned increases up to 100 percent just after 1.5 hours for the upper bound and 6 hours for the lower bound.
The protective action initiation (PAI) parameter defines the mobilization curve. The PAI curve represents the percentage of the population which will take protective action over time from when the first alert is received. For areas downstream of the dam the PAI/mobilization curve is set at the preset configuration of Preparedness: Unknown/Perception: Unknown which samples a uniform uncertainty distribution with maximum mobilization rates between 83 percent and 100 percent after 72 hours. For in-pool areas, the curve is set at the preset Preparedness: Unknown/Perception: Likely to Impact which samples a uniform uncertainty distribution with maximum mobilization rates between 94 percent and 100 percent after 72 hours.
The number of iterations determines the number of Monte-Carlo iterations the model will run for each event. The number of iterations is typically set at 1,000, although this can be changed to accommodate long run times if necessary.
The results summarization polygons should include the damage reach polygon shapefile and the town/city area shapefile.
The consequences model includes Monte Carlo simulations utilizing uncertainty around public warning issuance, warning diffusion, and protective action initiation. The mean results of the TAS breach model runs are used for CTS worksheet inputs; the statistical results of those runs are included as supplementary tables in the workbook. Typically, H&H will only provide data for the maximum non-damaging scenario (often TAS non-breach) for use in calibration, but this should be reported as zero in the CTS worksheets when it is known to be a non-damaging event.
The consequences model is simulated for all evaluated scenarios. LL and damage results are checked for reasonableness. The individual structure damage report is reviewed for abnormal results.
In some cases, the largest hydrologic event will not cause the largest LL. This is due to the surprise factor that occurs when the PAR downstream of the dam is warned prior to dam breach. For hydrologic events that are large enough to result in non-breach releases that exceed the downstream channel capacity, some of the PAR will already be warned and will be leaving the area when the dam breach occurs. While larger hydrologic events won't necessarily cause larger LL, the PAR and economic damage should always increase as the non-breach or breach release increases (i.e., PMF should always show the largest PAR and economic damage).
Comprehensive consequence assessments require estimates of total economic impact. These estimates are developed and documented in the consequence toolbox spreadsheet. The following economic consequence categories should be evaluated:
Repair costs are estimated based on the original construction cost of the project. That cost is indexed to current value, and then a percentage of that updated cost is used as the repair cost. Typically, 33 percent is used, however if the breach width divided by the dam length is greater than 33 percent (meaning that the breach takes out more than 33 percent of the dam), the higher percentage may be used to reflect a higher repair/replacement cost. More detailed estimates from a risk cadre or other analysis may also be used.
Annual water supply benefits are based on the project's total contracted yield in millions of gallons per day (MGD) and the average contract cost of water storage reallocation per acre foot. The average reallocation costs are based on post-1986 reallocation contracts which have been judged as the best way to estimate willingness to pay for water using the data available on a national scale. To estimate the annual value, the total contracted yield in MGD is converted to acre-feet per year, and the national average post-1986 reallocation cost per acre foot is applied to estimate the annual value. Population served by water supply is estimated by assuming 1,200 gallons per day (GPD) per person unless better data is available.
Water supply intakes within navigation pools typically are not contracted with USACE, meaning there is often no data on the amount of withdrawals and how intakes would be impacted by pool loss. Therefore, the value of water supply within navigation pools will not be estimated unless data is available. However, known water users may be listed under critical infrastructure impacted by project breach.
The annual value of irrigation water of evaluated projects will be based on the Federal cost for irrigation by project from the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) Water Supply Database report. The price levels of the Federal cost for irrigation in this table are those at the time the project was built. Unless otherwise indicated, it will be assumed the price level is that of the year the project was completed for purposes of this estimate. The Corps' Water Supply Handbook indicates that a 30-year period of analysis is used to calculate annual costs of irrigation water supply. The federal discount rate for water supply is obtained from the annual Economic Guidance Memorandum for discount rates. The annual value of irrigation will be the Federal Cost to Irrigation indexed to current price level and amortized over a 30-year period (using the appropriate federal discount rate).
Annual lost hydropower benefits are based on a five-year average annual hydropower production amount and a regional average electricity price. The annual hydropower production for the last five years is obtained from the enterprise data warehouse (EDW) for every federal hydropower project in order to estimate the average annual kilowatt hours (KWh) generated at each project. The electricity price is obtained from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) which provides regional average electricity prices weighted by residential, commercial, and industrial uses. That average price represents the average cost of the most likely alternative power supply in the case of a hydropower loss.
An average annual value is used to measure the lost benefits based on historic flood damages prevented that are calculated for the Annual Flood Damage Report. Each district uses either discharge-damage or stage-damage relationships for areas downstream of the dam to estimate flood damage with and without the project; these are reported to Congress on an annual basis. To determine an average annual value, the historical records of damages in each year are indexed to current value and divided by the number of record years to estimate an annual average. If only a cumulative value is available (no annual records), the value is indexed from the midpoint year and divided by the years of project operation to develop the annual.
Lost navigation benefits are sourced from the Shipper Carrier Costs (SCC) data prepared by the Planning Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation (PCXIN) in conjunction with assistance from a Navigation Advisory Team (NAT). The SCC provides a basis for estimating the impact of unscheduled lock closure or disruption to navigation as a result of loss of navigable pool or lock closure. The SCC data provides navigation impacts based on transportation savings rates for outage durations ranging from a single day to an entire year.
Annual recreation benefits lost due to breach are based on project average annual visitation and unit day value (UDV) per visit. Estimates are developed for the project pre-breach (existing condition) and post-breach; the lost benefit is the increment between those two conditions. Average annual visitation is obtained from the most recent five years of the Visitation Estimation & Reporting System (VERS) records. Visitation is then broken out into general recreation and general hunting and fishing using percentages developed from the recreation activities on the value to the nation website. UDV scores for each recreation sub-area are pulled from RecBEST and a visit-weighted average UDV is developed to represent the entire project (pre-breach condition). The total visitations for the post-breach condition are estimated by assuming a percentage loss based on activity; water based visits are reduced by 100 percent, while non-water based visits are reduced by 50 percent. UDV scores are also reduced by 80 percent in the post-breach condition, except for the availability of opportunity which remains unchanged. The UDV values are based on the latest version of the annual Economic Guidance Memorandum (EGM) for Recreation Unit Day Values.
Some projects have benefits/damages that will not be included in the categories above. An example is non-federal hydropower plants just downstream of a dam. This would not be included in the hydropower lost benefits if it is not an authorized purpose of the project, but can be included in the other lost benefits section because loss of the plant is an economic impact that needs to be included in the overall consequence estimate.
A draft CTS worksheet will be on SharePoint in the project's folder. This should have the facility info tab completed by the documentation team and the pertinent data and H&H data tabs completed by the modeler. The consequence team member edits the CTS worksheet in SharePoint, and does not create or download a new version of the worksheet. The member adds the economics data to the CTS worksheet that is already posted to the SharePoint site, making sure to maintain all review and source comments on the already completed tabs. This worksheet is used by the documentation lead to validate the consequences portion of the report deliverables.
In addition to adding data from the Consequences Toolbox, a life loss results map of the TAS breach life loss results, along with other supporting figures from the analysis, is also required in the CTS worksheet.
The consequence team member will fill in the MMC Contacts tab when development is complete. The consequence reviewer will also fill in the Contacts tab after data is verified and final. The status should be listed as Ready for Econ Review.
The HEC-LifeSim and Lost Benefits Excel toolboxes used to process results are posted to the SharePoint project folder.
The MMC project handoff PowerPoint used to present consequence findings during the handoff meeting is developed using the template provided in the MMC Team SharePoint project folder.
The HEC-LifeSim model and input data files (not the HEC-RAS model data) are posted to the RMC file share production folders.
The life loss, damages, repair cost, and lost benefits estimates are reviewed internally before consequences are considered complete. Reviews are coordinated by the MMC Production Center consequences branch chief and are typically accomplished via webinar and the use of the MMC Consequence Team Checklist.
After the products are approved by the branch chief, the economist addresses any comments. At this time, the economist uploads the finalized consequences model to the appropriate consequences folder on the RMC file share. The modeler, consequences branch chief, and team leads are informed via email of the upload and location.
The consequences QC review team member is responsible for filling in consequences data in the MMC reports. The CTS worksheet, model data, and report are reviewed by the consequences QA review team member and details compared to ensure consistency during the report review process.
A standard report is written for each dam studied by the MMC summarizing modeling and consequences results. MMC internal drafts of the reports are stored on and edited within the MMC Team SharePoint project folders. Reports differ for each project type. The documentation team is responsible for working with the project manager to ensure the correct report template(s) and CTS spreadsheet are available. The documentation team will load any report template that may be needed to the project folder (e.g., HMCAS, HMCAS NAV, ASH etc.). This reduces confusion relating to current templates or type of reports to develop for the project.
The report template(s) associated for each project are loaded to the MMC Team SharePoint project folder.
The report files shall be edited directly from the MMC Team SharePoint project folder. This ensures edits from all assigned team members are made to one copy of the document.
Project folders are organized by project name, then by fiscal year. Upon district acceptance, final reports and CTS worksheets are loaded to the final project folder on CEDALS ProjectWise server during project closeout.
During the project kickoff phase, the MMC documentation production lead creates the project folder within the MMC Team SharePoint site and includes current, relevant templates. A production folder is created for the project on the RMC file share and references, including a cover photo, are stored in folder F. References. The cover photo shall be used for the cover pages of the project work plan, the report, and the inundation atlases.
The assigned documentation team member will initiate the project work plan, fill in the CTS facility tab, and populate initial data in the report template.
The assigned consequences team member prepares the remaining consequences and updates the CTS worksheet on the MMC Team SharePoint project folder. The CTS worksheet template is designed to guide the consequences team member in drafting language that is suitable for incorporation into the report. The consequences technical lead assigns internal review of the CTS worksheet, and finalizes it based on feedback received. This review should be completed prior to entering consequences content within the report to minimize potential for rework. The consequences QC review team member is responsible for filling in consequences data in the MMC reports. The CTS worksheet, model data, and report are reviewed by the consequences QA review team member and details compared to ensure consistency during the report review process.
The CTS worksheet is populated for eventual entry into the Engineering Data Module (EDM). Population of the CTS worksheet is a joint effort between the modeling cadre member and economic cadre member. Hydraulic data will be found from multiple sources including, but not limited to, the water control manual, HEC-RAS model, SPRA data, and the dam safety program management tool (DSPMT) database.
The modeler is responsible for using the CTS and model output values to draft the modeling portions of the documentation reports. A modeling data documentation review is conducted by the model review team prior to a technical edit of the report by the documentation team.
The assigned documentation team member will develop the system and detail maps for the reports.
Once modeling, mapping, and consequences inputs are drafted, the assigned documentation team member performs a technical review of the report, involving the assigned team members from the disciplines to resolve comments as necessary. The technical review includes review of the consequences section based on content of the previous-reviewed CTS worksheet and focuses on technical content accuracy. The technical reviewer will contact MMC members to modify the report language if an error is found. The assigned member will use the quality control checklist to verify correct information was entered within the report. This serves as the initial MMC review of the report.
After the technical review has been completed, and the report is error free, the report is sent forward for management review. The management reviewer looks at the report holistically, and will make comments, if needed.
Report closeout procedures consist of a final technical edit and format review, then the Word document is printed as a portable document file (PDF). The documentation member will identify the completed report and CTS products as pre-IQR final in the project folder and notify the PM and MMC leads that the files are ready for district IQR.
There are two instances when the preCTS and HMCAS will be reviewed by the district. The first is during district model IQR, and the second is during district documentation/mapping IQR.
The preCTS worksheet with Facility Info tab complete is sent with the model geometry for model IQR. The district review comments received will be reviewed, and the report will be updated.
The district is notified once the pre-IQR draft report and map atlases are ready for district IQR. The pre-IQR draft report, final draft map atlas PDF, and data are posted to the RMC storage 5 file share for review by the district.
District map atlas and documentation IQR comments are uploaded to the COP SharePoint site, and resolved by the MMC staff via input from the assigned team members from the disciplines as necessary. The final reviewed and approved copy of the report is reposted to the COP site by documentation. The documentation and map atlas are moved to the appropriate project folder on the Dam Safety ProjectWise server upon project completion.
This section discusses the process to develop inundation maps based on model outputs delivered by the modeling production team member. All steps are performed by the mapping production team member unless otherwise noted.
Map production should be performed for both dam breach inundation map and non-breach inundation map (NBIM) atlases.
The mapping production team member reviews all H&H and consequences data to ensure consistency and completeness of models and documentation prior to mapping.
Review the model data folder structure according to Appendix 4.3.1 and complete the model data review checklist in Appendix 4.3.4.
Review the modeling data to include consequence analysis and HEC-RAS models, model output data, and reports to verify that the data meet the checklist requirements for data inclusion and that the data meet the data structure requirements.
If additional data are needed, the GIS/mapping team member should request additional data from the assigned modeler for the study dam. Common missing elements are required model scenarios and model time steps.
Once data has been reviewed and the data checklist has been satisfied, the mapping production team member should transfer all of the received data to the mapping technical lead for upload to the MMC server.
The mapping technical lead verifies that all necessary model data are properly organized in MMC file share. The data is also viewable through the MMC data viewer, which results in the following for the study area:
The mapping production team member develops and customizes datasets for use in all MMC Production Center maps. Detailed steps for preparing the mapping data can be found in Appendix 4.1.5. Most steps are performed for any model that is to be mapped; however, some steps are specific to the model type (i.e., 1D versus 2D).
Create a new empty file geodatabase within the mapping folder called "Inundation_study_area_name.gdb." This geodatabase stores all of the data for use in the individual map series (see Appendix 4.3.1 for file schema information).
Use the breach inundation areas for MH and NH scenarios included in the model output to create inundation polygons for the mapping process (see Appendix 4.1.5). Include the non-breach inundation areas for MH and IH scenarios if the NBIM atlas series is to be produced. The GIS/mapping team member will store the inundation polygons in the working geodatabase for map production.
Any major edits made to inundation areas during the mapping process should be reviewed with the modeler and modeling team lead.
Determine the mapping scales for the study area. Most of the study areas will use standard grids for use at a scale of 1:31,680 (1 inch=½ mile) and detail grids for use at a scale of 1:15,840 (1 inch=¼ mile) for use in densely populated areas. The number of grids to map is determined by the extent of the maximum breach scenario, plus upstream area to be mapped if the UNIM atlases are to be produced. Non-breach inundation scenario mapping may be limited to upstream mapping of the elevated pools, or upstream in conjunction with downstream non-breach inundation.
A national standard grid layer for use at 1:31,680 and a detail grid layer for use at 1:15,840 are maintained by the mapping technical lead. The mapping production team member will create custom map grids based on existing national map grids when standard scales are not appropriate.
The map grids will be used as the sheet index for map production.
Use the standard sheet number guidelines in Appendix 4.1.5 to draft a preliminary map. This map should be sent to the mapping technical lead for review and approval before sheet numbering is considered final. In some cases, the mapping technical lead will review the sheet numbering schema with the district DSPM for the study area.
Use the centerline from the model output to create reference mile points to be stored in the working geodatabase.
Cross sections are used from HEC-RAS models to display arrival time and elevation data on the map sheets. Use the cross section data from the model output to select and display a single cross section for each standard map sheet that intersects with the centerline within the map sheet. Each cross section is assigned a letter designator.
Use the MMC Utilities Toolbar for cross section development as described in Appendix 4.1.5.
The output datasets for 2D models should include raster datasets for arrival time and depth information. A point in each sheet should be used to display the arrival time and elevation information for the sheet, similar to the HEC-RAS lettered cross sections.
The breach wave is defined by comparing the model output for non-breach scenario to the breach scenario for each load case. The toe of the breach wave is defined as the time at which difference between the non-breach and breach hydrograph exceeds two feet. Use flow profile data from the cross section feature class to assign a flood wave arrival m-value to the centerline. Using linear referencing, create flood wave arrival time points from this new centerline. The breach wave arrival time points are displayed on the sheet index map.
All MMC Production Center projects will include a cover page to identify the study dam and location for each specific project. The cover page will be developed based on the information and standards set in Appendices 4.1.5 and 4.1.7. Inundation atlases are generated for dam breach and non-breach inundation scenarios. Non-breach inundation scenario mapping may be limited to upstream mapping of the elevated pools, or upstream in conjunction with downstream non-breach inundation.
The cover page will be provided to GIS/mapping team members in PowerPoint format and will serve as the standard for all study areas. Update the information in the title block for the assigned study area according to Appendix 4.1.5.
A photo of the dam is required for placement on the cover of the map atlas and model report. The following step will likely be completed by the MMC documentation lead during initial setup of the flood inundation modeling and consequence assessment report, during the initial phase of the project while pre-model GIS development is performed. The mapping team member should begin by checking the project's folder in MMC Team SharePoint to determine if a project photo has been selected. The intent is for the same project photo to be used on the cover of the report and the covers of the map atlases. If a photo has not yet been selected, the mapping team member will contact the documentation production lead to request a photo. Update the cover page template according to Appendix 4.1.5.
Map notes pages will be created according to Appendix 4.1.5. Information shown on map notes pages should reflect the information and values located in the CTS worksheet located on the MMC Team SharePoint project folder.
The mapping team member incorporates modeling output into a standard sheet template for inclusion in the final map product, according to Appendices Appendix 4.1.5, 4.1.6, and 4.1.7. Mapping for upstream inundation will use the same templates and procedures but will only be included in the non-breach inundation atlas series.
Verify that all elements in the .mxd file for standard sheets match existing graphic standards documented in Appendix 4.1.7.
Set the inundation layer data sources in the .mxd file to the appropriate study dam feature classes, according to Appendix 4.1.6. Verify that basemap data layers are sourced correctly.
Check the NID for data placement outliers. The location of the features will be verified based on the most current aerial imagery available.
In situations where data must be altered, the data will be changed in the local copy and all changes will be documented accordingly.
Set the data frame scale and the coordinate system in the .aprx file for the study area. All map sheet data frames will use the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system as specified in Appendix 4.1.5. Study areas that intersect multiple UTM zones should have individual tabs within the .aprx files created for each applicable UTM zone.
Create a map series using Data Driven Pages.
Source text elements in the .aprx file to the standard sheet grid layer fields for text that dynamically updates during map series production.
Create annotation for applicable data layers. Edit annotation according to guidelines in Appendices 4.1.5 and 4.1.7.
Detail sheet development follows the same process for standard sheets; however, it uses the detail sheet .aprx template. Detail sheets are developed for areas where a large scale is needed due to high feature density (e.g., metropolitan areas).
The mapping production team member creates a location reference map for the study area in accordance with Appendices 4.1.5, 4.1.6, and 4.1.7. The numbering scheme shall ensure that all corresponding dam breach inundation map (DBIM) and NBIM map sheets have the same sheet number. If a downstream non-breach inundated area is to be included, NBIM map sheets should be produced to cover the entire extent of corresponding DBIM map sheets to the point downstream where non-breach inundated areas are constrained in the channel. This will eliminate confusion that would result if NBIM map sheets with no non-breach inundated area were omitted from the set.
Sheet index map .aprx files are maintained by the mapping technical lead. The mapping production team member will determine an appropriate scale for the sheet index map based on the inundation area and information in Appendix 4.1.5.
Set the layer data sources in the .aprx file to the appropriate feature classes according to Appendix 4.1.6. Verify that basemap data layers are sourced correctly.
Set all data frame scales and extents based on the size of the standard sheet grid. Set the coordinate systems in the .aprx file to the UTM coordinate system as specified in Appendix 4.1.5.
For study areas that intersect multiple UTM zones, set the coordinate system as the UTM zone containing the majority of standard sheets.
Create annotation for applicable data layers. Edit annotation according to guidelines in Appendix 4.1.5.
Every standard sheet in a dam breach inundation atlas that has critical infrastructure points in the depth grid will have a corresponding lookup table. Critical infrastructure lookup tables are not currently developed for non-breach inundation.
If a printed map atlas was opened on a table top with a map sheet on the right, or front side of the pages, the critical infrastructure lookup table would be on the left, or back side of the pages. The critical infrastructure lookup tables contain information that references the data in the map on the adjacent sheet. Critical infrastructure lookup tables contain the structure type, name, address, inundation depth, arrival time, peak time, arrival elevation and peak elevation for each affected critical infrastructure point within the associated standard sheet. If there are more critical infrastructure points affected than can fit on one sheet an ellipsis will appear at the bottom of the table.
Use ESRI ArcGIS Pro and the MMC Utilities Toolbar to process data to create the critical infrastructure lookup tables from the information in Appendix 4.1.5 and according to the standards set in Appendix 4.1.7.
All MMC Production Center projects will have .pdf files created for the inundation atlas assembly. All files will be created according to Appendices 4.1.5, 4.1.7, and 4.3.7.
Use print to .pdf functionality within Microsoft PowerPoint to convert the cover page PowerPoint file into a .pdf document.
Use ESRI ArcGIS Pro to export both pages to .pdf documents.
Use the series export function within Data Driven Pages to export each map sheet to .pdf documents.
Use ESRI ArcGIS Pro to export the index map to a .pdf document.
Use ESRI ArcGIS Pro to export the critical infrastructure lookup table series to a .pdf document.
The map atlas is a consolidated mapping product of all the mapping outputs. See Appendices 4.1.5 and 4.1.7 for information on the contents of the inundation atlas.
Standard and detail sheets and facing pages are all exported as stand-alone .pdf files. The files will be stored individually and be combined into the inundation atlas. The file naming and storage parameters described in Appendix 4.1.5 should be followed for all .pdf files. Individual pages should be maintained in full-resolution and optimized formats. The full-resolution files should be used to generate the combined inundation atlas .pdf file.
Use the Atlas Builder tool on the MMC Utilities Toolbar to combine .pdf files into inundation atlases as in Appendix 4.1.5.
After saving a full-resolution version of the map atlas, use the optimization tool in Adobe Acrobat Professional to reduce the file size of the inundation atlas for Web delivery. Use Appendix 4.1.5 to reference best practices to optimize the .pdf map book.
The mapping production team member will need to send both optimized and full-resolution versions of the .pdf files to the mapping technical lead for distribution and archival purposes.
The mapping products produced for the MMC are reviewed at two levels within the MMC and, optionally, additional reviews are performed outside the MMC. The internal review is performed by a GIS/mapping team member. All products are then provided for mapping technical lead review using the MMC file share.
The mapping production team member is responsible for organizing an internal review of the inundation atlas and files used to create the inundation atlas within the mapping production team. The reviewer should review the atlases for cartographic and graphical completeness in accordance with Appendices 4.3.7 and 4.3.8.
The inundation atlas is reviewed in .pdf format by an independent reviewer assigned by the mapping technical lead. The checklist in Appendix 4.3.3 is filled out and comments for revision are documented and returned to the original mapping production team member.
The inundation atlas is reviewed and all comments are provided to the mapper for edits. The .pdf inundation atlas is submitted for a second round review where it will be cleared for MMC and District IQR in most cases. In some cases, additional rounds of technical lead review are necessary. The technical lead review is tracked in the schedule database by the task mapping complete. Once all review comments are resolved, the task is complete.
The mapping production team member updates the map series based on comments from the mapping reviewers. The inundation atlas is then re-created after editing. Appendix 4.3.5 is used to verify that data is complete for the deliverable product. The revised files are then submitted to the mapping technical lead who continues with the steps in Appendix 4.1.5 to finalize the .pdf product.
Use Google Earth Pro to convert the vector modeling data layers to .kmz files for use in Google Earth desktop applications. Save the .kmz files in the GoogleEarth folder within the MMC file structure. All symbolization should match the guidelines set for the mapping process in Appendix 4.1.7.
Load the data from the mapping portion of the project into the consolidated geodatabase for display in the MMC Production Center web map application.
The district the dam is located in will be offered the opportunity to review all MMC products. The PM will coordinate with the district Dam Safety Officer and Dam Safety Program Manager to schedule and begin the review. The .pdf inundation atlas and documentation is sent to the district for review. All district IQR map atlas and documentation comments will be recorded and responded to within the MMC COP SharePoint site.
District review comments are provided to the MMC and addressed by the modeling, mapping, or consequence team members as appropriate. Once final review is complete and all issues have been addressed, the MMC member converts the suffix of the year root folder name in the MMC file share from Year-Draft to Year-Final. The study area is migrated from the draft product MMC geodatabase and map viewer to the final product MMC geodatabase and map viewer. Once the study area has been migrated from draft to final the District Review Products task in the schedule database is complete.
This section summarizes the products available at the end of an MMC study, the review steps undertaken during the production process, and USACE policy and guidance for product handling and dissemination.
MMC Production Center deliverables produced using this SOP document are listed below and are accessible from the servers as noted.
The MMC external SharePoint site is known as the MMC COP SharePoint site ( ).
This section lists the review steps that are performed as part of the SOP. Internal MMC reviews and external reviews are described in detail within Section 5. District IQR is the final step in the review process. District coordination begins with the initial request to complete the data collection worksheet and continues with model review and the final District IQR.
District IQR is now performed in two phases. First, the district is provided opportunity to review the hydraulic model once it is substantially complete and before development of consequences and mapping products begins. The second phase of district IQR occurs once all consequences and mapping products have been completed and is the final step before formal close out of a project. District IQR gives the district responsible for operating the project an opportunity to review the MMC products for adherence to the MMC SOP and to make final comments on questions or concerns with the products as the district begins to incorporate the MMC materials into local products such as EAPs. District comments are crucial to the MMC-addressing these comments improves the quality of USACE products and the processes and procedures used to develop them. The MMC commonly responds to district IQR comments with:
During the first phase of IQR the district should review the model and provide comment on issues that could affect consequences or mapping results. During the second phase of IQR the district should focus on the inundation map atlases, as their contents are the end result of the MMC production process and they are to be incorporated into EAPs. Other topics to be considered during this final review include:
The MMC is responsible for maintaining and managing MMC products. Districts are responsible for data dissemination to external stakeholders. The MMC will not disseminate products to external stakeholders except in special circumstances with either the concurrence of or at the request of a DSPM or DSO (district, division, or USACE).
MMC products are finalized via resolution of comments received in the reviews discussed above. The district DSO and DSPM are notified via email once products have been finalized. Final products are available to the district for download via CEDALS. Upon receipt of the transmittal memo further dissemination of the data to other stakeholders becomes the responsibility of the dam safety community (district, division, or USACE). The district is primarily responsible for determining the proper use and distribution of the data, including dissemination to local governments or emergency response agencies in accordance with current USACE policy on release of information.
Appendix 6 provides copies of the following guidelines and policies for dissemination of MMC products:
1-Percent Duration Exceedance Elevation (feet) . The reservoir elevation that is exceeded on average 1-percent of the time on an annual basis (approximately 3-4 days per year). Note: This is not the same as the 1-percent probability exceedance elevation, which is commonly referred to as the 100-year flood.
Active Storage Water Elevation (feet) . Maximum reservoir water surface obtained when the reservoir is fully utilized for all purposes, including conservation and flood storage. This elevation represents the highest elevation obtained under normal regulated operating conditions. This water surface elevation corresponds to the top of active storage level.
Antecedent Pool Level . The initial reservoir pool level associated with a model run.
Banklines (Pertaining to HEC-River Analysis System [HEC-RAS]) . A Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefile that represents where banks are located along a particular river reach.
Bathymetric Data . Underwater topography of oceans, seas, or other large bodies of water.
Blocked Obstructions (Pertaining to HEC-River Analysis System [HEC-RAS]) . Areas within cross sectional flow areas that are blocked from containing water in a particular cross section.
Breach Progression (Pertaining to HEC-RAS) . The progression in which dam embankment material is removed from the structure due to dam breach.
Centerline (River Centerline) . Water surface course centerlines for a waterway defined by digitizing centerlines atop a contiguous imagery source. Centerlines begin from the confluence upstream to the dam at a scale 1:15,000.
Conversion Points . Nationwide point features containing interpolated values at point locations. Conversion points contain the elevation difference between National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29) and North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). This point shapefile can be used to update raster value fields. See the National Geodetic Survey website for additional information:
Consequences . Potential loss of life or property damage downstream of a dam caused by floodwaters released at the dam or by waters released by partial or complete dam breach. Consequences also include effects of landslides upstream of the dam on property located around the reservoir.
Consequence-based Top Screening (CTS) . CTS methodology is used to quickly identify dam projects whose breach or disruption could trigger significant consequences. CTS allows the dam's sector to establish common methods, assumptions, and measures to consistently quantify different types of consequence elements across the sector.
Critical Infrastructure . Defined in the U.S. Patriot Act as those systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters.
Cross Section. A n elevation view topography formed by passing a plane through the topography perpendicular to the axis.
Dam Safety Action Classification . A dam classification system created by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dam safety professionals to group dams that exhibit certain characteristics for potential safety concerns.
Depth Damage Curves . A relationship between water depth and the associated economic damages.
Depth-Percent Damage Curve . A relationship between water depth at a damageable property (e.g., structure or vehicle) and the associated damages. The value of the property is multiplied by the percentage corresponding to the flood depth at the property to make the damage estimate.
Depth-Direct Dollar Damage Curve . A relationship between water depth at a damageable property (e.g., structure or vehicle) and the direct (actual) dollar damage value. A percentage of property is not applied when direct dollar damage curves are used.
Depth Grid . Depth raster datasets that represent the depth (elevation) to the water table encountered throughout the inundation area.
Design Memorandum . Notes or plans corresponding to a design.
Design Water Elevation (feet) . Maximum level pool reservoir water surface elevation, including surcharge, that a dam is designed to withstand excluding any allowance for freeboard. This water surface elevation corresponds to the maximum storage. Same as "design water level" in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety - Glossary of Terms, April 2004.
Drainage Area (square miles) . Surface area that drains to a particular point (in this case, the dam) on a river or stream. Same as data field 33 in the National Inventory of Dams, Version 4.0, April 2008.
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) . A plan of action to be taken to reduce the potential for property damage and loss of life in an area affected by a dam breach or large flood.
Exceedance Duration Elevation . Elevation in a reservoir that is equaled or exceeded a certain percentage of the time. Example: 10-percent exceedance duration elevation for a particular reservoir is equaled or exceeded only 10 percent of the time.
External Deliverables . Deliverables produced during and from the MMC Production Center's production cycle that are to be considered final end products for the intended customer.
Flood Storage (acre-feet) . Storage space in the reservoir exclusively allocated for regulation of flood inflows. This storage space includes the increment of storage volume between the top of conservation storage and top of active storage.
Flow Path . The center-of-mass of a particular flow area within a model cross section.
Formation Time (Pertaining to Dam Breach) . The amount of time between the instant a significant uncontrolled flow of water leaves the dam due to breach to the time breach formation is complete.
Geodatabase . An ArcGIS geodatabase is a collection of geographic datasets of various types held in a common file system folder, a Microsoft Access database, or a multiuser relational database (such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or IBM DB2).
Hillshade Creation . The hillshade surface area is generated from the 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM). Hillshades are primarily used to identify changes to topology or to approximate topology.
Historical Maximum Pool Elevation (feet) . The highest elevation attained in the reservoir since construction.
Hydrograph Routing . The act of accounting for inflow and outflow rates, water storage characteristics, and losses for a particular river reach or reservoir.
Ineffective Flow Areas (Pertaining to HEC-RAS) . Areas within a cross section representing flood plain flow that do not convey water downstream.
Inflow Design Flood (IDF) . The flood used in the design of a dam and its appurtenant works particularly for sizing the spillway and outlet works, and for determining the maximum temporary storage and height of dam requirements.
Inline Structures (Pertaining to HEC-RAS) . A physical feature that generally lies perpendicular to flow and impounds water (such as a dam). Water may be routed through or over this structure.
Internal Deliverables . Deliverables created during the MMC Production Center production cycle and disseminated between team leads and/or team members.
Interpolated Cross Sections (Pertaining to HEC-RAS) . A cross section within the model geometry that is created from an interpolation of the ground surface data for the cross sections immediately upstream and downstream.
Lateral Structures (Pertaining to HEC-RAS) . A physical feature that generally lies parallel to flow. Water may be routed through or over this structure.
Life Loss Estimates (Loss of Life) . Estimate of potential life loss using approved life loss estimating methodology. May be for individual breach modes, or total for specified loading scenario.
Loading Conditions . The reservoir pool level that corresponds to a particular dam outflow event.
Manning's "n" Values . A scale of relative roughness pertaining to stream channels and overbank areas and used in Manning's equation.
Maximum Flood Control Elevation (feet) . The highest elevation of the flood control storage.
Maximum High Pool (Type of Condition) . An unsteady flow simulation for non-breach and breach scenarios will be modeled for the maximum high pool water level. The maximum high pool event will be defined by the inflow design flood
Maximum Operating Pool . The highest elevation achieved in the reservoir under normal operating conditions. This represents the upper limit or top of active storage.
Maximum Storage (acre-feet) . Total storage space in the reservoir below the design water elevation. This storage space includes surcharge, flood, conservation, inactive, and dead storage. Maximum storage is determined based on a level pool assumption excluding any allowance for freeboard or wedge storage due to sloping water surface. This measurement is the same as data field 30 in the National Inventory of Dams, Version 4.0, April 2008.
Minimum Operating Water Elevation (feet) . The lowest elevation the reservoir is drawn down to under normal operating conditions excluding any special provisions for drought operations. This water surface elevation corresponds to the bottom of active storage. This measurement is the same as "minimum operating level" in the FEMA Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety, April 2004.
Model Geometry (Pertaining to HEC-RAS) . A representation of the physical features that influence flow in a particular modeled reach.
Normal High Pool (Type of Condition) . An unsteady flow simulation for non-breach and breach scenarios will be modeled for a normal high water level, the 10-percent exceedance duration. Starting reservoir pool will correspond to the 10-percent exceedance duration pool elevation. Reservoir inflow will be a constant inflow hydrograph as required to produce the 10-percent exceedance duration pool under normal gate operations. Gate operation procedures consistent with the latest water control manual will be applied to the hydrograph routing. Consequence analysis will include damage and LL estimates. A consequence analysis simulation for the non-breach condition is not necessary if non-damaging releases result from the normal high pool event.
Normal Water Elevation (feet) . Maximum reservoir water surface elevation obtained when the reservoir is fully utilized for conservation purposes (e.g., municipal and industrial water supply, industrial water supply, irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, navigation, etc.) excluding flood and surcharge. This water surface elevation corresponds to the top of conservation storage level.
Normal Storage (acre-feet) . Total storage space in the reservoir below the normal water elevation excluding any flood or surcharge storage. This storage space includes conservation, inactive, and dead storage. This amount of storage space corresponds to the top of conservation storage level for dams with seasonal variations. This measurement is the same as data field 31 in the National Inventory of Dams, Version 4.0, April 2008.
Population at Risk (PAR) , For Dam Safety risk assessments, it is the population downstream of a dam that would be subject to risk from flooding in the instance of a potential dam breach; usually documented in numbers of persons at risk.
Dam Portfolio Risk Assessment . A tool for prioritizing structural and non-structural measures for reducing dam safety risks across a group of dams. A dam portfolio risk assessment can also be used to prioritize further investigations and analyzes and to give a basis for the evaluation of other dam safety activities (e.g., monitoring and surveillance, inspections, and emergency planning).
Portfolio Risk Management . A risk-informed approach for improved management of dam safety for a portfolio of dams in the context of the owner's business.
Security Scenario Pool (Type of Condition) . An unsteady flow simulation for non-breach and breach scenarios will be modeled for a 1-percent exceedance duration pool elevation. Starting reservoir pool will correspond to the 10-percent exceedance duration pool elevation. Reservoir inflow will be a scaled probable maximum flood (PMF) or reservoir design flood hydrograph. The scaled hydrograph will be developed by scaling the available hydrograph using trial and error to produce a peak pool equal to the 1-percent pool elevation. Gate operation procedures consistent with the latest water control manual will be applied to the hydrograph routing. Consequence analysis will include damage and loss of life estimates. A consequence analysis simulation for the non-breach condition is not necessary if non-damaging releases result from the 1-percent pool event.
Stage Damage . The relationship of damage to a range of flood stages at a structure or the aggregated values of damage by damage categories for a range of stages at some form of index location, such as a HEC-LifeSim Common Computation Point.
Storage . The retention of water or delay of runoff either by planned operation, as in a reservoir, or by temporary filling of overflow areas, as in the progression of a flood wave through a natural stream channel. Definitions of the specific types of reservoir storage are as follows:
Storage Area Connectors (Pertaining to HEC-RAS) . A physical feature that lies between two HEC-RAS storage areas over which water may be routed.
Storage Curves (Pertaining to Reservoir Storage) . A relationship between reservoir pool elevation and corresponding storage volume.
Streambed Elevation . The lowest elevation of the original natural ground surface (prior to dam construction) along the centerline axis of the dam. This elevation is typically located where the original stream channel intersects the centerline axis.
Study Area . An estimated inundation area created by GIS from buffering the centerline to create the 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM) for pre-model GIS process.
Surface Area (acres) . The surface area of the impoundment at normal water elevation (normal storage). This measurement is the same as data field 32 in the National Inventory of Dams, Version 4.0, April 2008.
Thalweg . The middle of the main channel of a waterway.
Top of Active Storage (Type of Condition) . An unsteady flow simulation for non-breach and breach scenarios will be modeled for the top of active storage water level. Starting reservoir pool will correspond to the normal operating pool elevation. Reservoir inflow will be a scaled PMF or reservoir design flood hydrograph. The scaled hydrograph will be developed by scaling the available hydrograph using trial and error to produce a peak pool equal to the top of active storage elevation. Gate operation procedures from the latest water control manual will be applied to the hydrograph routing. Consequence analysis will include damage and LL estimates. A consequence analysis simulation for the non-breach condition is not necessary if non-damaging releases result from the top of active storage event.
Top of Active Storage Elevation (feet) . The reservoir elevation attained if the reservoir is fully utilized for all project purposes (i.e., power generation, irrigation, flood risk management, water supply, etc.). The pool elevation that, if exceeded, would result in significant increase in discharge based on the physical properties of the project and/or operation procedures from the latest water control manual.
Two-Dimensional Model . The MMC Production Center standard for two-dimensional (2D) modeling is HEC-RAS 2D. HEC-RAS 2D is a finite volume hydraulic model that can simulate channel flow and unconfined overland flow.
Unsteady Flow Modeling . Hydraulic modeling that involves routing a hydrograph though a system.
USACE Dam Safety Program . The USACE Dam Safety Program effectively attempts to apply the utmost care and competence to every aspect of dam design, construction, operation, and maintenance.
Warning Time. The difference in time between the warning issuance and flood arrival times.
Water Control Manual . Document containing pertinent information pertaining to a dam and or reservoir. It may include construction plans, operational procedures, and exceedance duration curves.
1D | one-dimensional |
2D | two-dimensional |
CAR | Consequences Assessment Report |
CEDALS | Corps of Engineers Dam and Levee Safety Database |
CIPR | Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Program |
COP | Community of Practice |
CTS | consequence-based top screen |
CUI | Critical Unclassified Information |
DEM | digital elevation model |
DBIM | dam breach inundation map |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DM | design memorandum |
DSO | dam safety officer |
DSPM | dam safety program manager |
DSPMT | Dam Safety Program Management Tool |
DSS | data storage system |
DVD | digital video disc or digital versatile disc |
EAP | Emergency Action Plan |
EGM | Economic Guidance Memorandum |
ESRI | Environmental Systems Research Institute |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FGDC | Federal Geographic Data Committee |
FIS | flood insurance studies |
FSA | Farm Service Agency |
FTP | file transfer protocol |
GIS | geographic information systems |
HAZUS | Hazards US (Geodatabase data from FEMA) |
HEC | Hydrologic Engineering Center |
HEC-HMS | Hydrologic Modeling System |
HEC-LifeSim | Life Loss Analysis |
HEC-RAS | River Analysis System |
H&H | hydraulics and hydrology |
HH&C | hydrology, hydraulics, and coastal engineering |
HMCAS | Hydraulic Modeling and Consequences Summary |
HTML | hyper text markup language |
IDF | inflow design flood |
IES | Issue Evaluation Study |
IH | intermediate high |
IL | intermediate low |
IQR | independent quality review |
IWR | Institute for Water Resources |
KML | keyhole markup language |
KMZ | keyhole markup (file), zipped |
LiDAR | light detection and ranging |
MH | maximum high |
MMC | Mapping, Modeling and Consequences Production Center |
MXD | map document files |
NAV | navigation |
NAVD | 88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 |
NED | National Elevation Dataset |
NBIM | non-breach inundation map |
NGVD | 29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 |
NH | normal high |
NHD | National Hydrography Dataset |
NID | National Inventory of Dams |
NL | normal low |
NLD | National Levee Database |
NN | normal navigation |
NPC | navigation pool channel |
NWK | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District |
NWS | National Weather Service |
OHS | Office of Homeland Security, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
PAI | protective action initiation |
PAR | population at risk |
portable document format, a file extension from Adobe Systems | |
PDT | project delivery team |
PMF | probable maximum flood |
POC | point of contact |
POR | period of record |
PWP | project work plan |
RA | risk assessment |
RMC | Risk Management Center |
SOP | standard operating procedures |
SPRA | Screening Portfolio Risk Assessment |
SS | security scenario |
TAS | top of active storage |
TIN | Triangulated Irregular Network |
TOD | top of dam |
UOC | USACE Operations Center |
UNIM | upstream non-breach inundation map |
USACE | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |
VDF | volume duration frequency |
WCM | water control manual |
WS | water surface |
Barry Moran, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), et al. "Rapid Dam Failure Analysis for SPRA Write-up," Nashville, TN, October 2007.
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). United States National Boundary, County Boundaries, Street Centerlines.
ESRI. ArcGIS software. Application reference available from:
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Publication 64, "Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety, Emergency Action Planning for Dam Owners," Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Washington, D.C., 2004.
FEMA. Hazards U.S. (HAZUS) Data
Available from:
Gesch, D., Oimoen, M., Greenlee, S., Nelson, C., Steuck, M., and Tyler, D. "The National Elevation Dataset: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing," v. 68, no. 1, p. 5-11, 2002.
Larry Young, et al. ArcMapbook ArcMap extension for ESRI ArcGIS.
Available from:
National Land Cover Database. .
National Levee Database. .
TerraGo Technologies. TerraGo desktop software. Available from:
USACE. "Critical Infrastructure Security Program Dam Break Emergency Action Plan, Inundation Mapping Guidance," December 2008.
USACE. Engineer Circular (Draft) 1165-2-209, "Civil Works Review Policy," CECW-CP,
USACE. Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2008-10 (Interim), "USACE Policy on Release of Inundation Maps." CECW-CE.
USACE. Engineering and Construction Bulletin 2008-10, CECW-CE, March 24, 2008.
USACE. Economic Guidance Memorandum 10-03, "Unit Day Values for Recreation, Fiscal Year 2010." CECW-CP, November 20, 2009.
USACE. Engineer Manual 1110-2-2100, "Stability Analysis of Concrete Structures."
USACE. Engineer Regulation (ER) 5-1-14, "Resource Management, USACE Quality Management System."
USACE. ER 1105-2-100, "Planning Guidance Notebook," USACE CECW-P, 2009. Available from:
USACE. ER 1110-2-6064, "Interim Risk Reduction Measures for Dam Safety."
USACE. ER 1110-8-2, "Inflow Design Floods for Dams and Reservoirs."
USACE. Guideline RD-13, "Flood Emergency Plans -- Guidelines for Corps Dams," USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, CA, June 1980.
USACE, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). "MMC H&H Deliverable Schema (DRAFT)," Tulsa, OK, July 2009.
USACE, HEC. HEC-RAS software.
Available from:
USACE, HEC. HEC-RAS documentation
USACE, HEC. HEC-RAS 2D User's Manual
HEC. 2014. Technical Document 39, Using HEC-RAS for Dam Break Studies.
USACE, Kansas City District. "Mapping, Modeling, and Consequences Map Production Procedures," April 2009.
United States Census Bureau. Census Tracts. Available from:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency. National Agriculture
Imagery Program Images.
Available from:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security."Consequence-Based Top Screen Methodology - Draft,"March 2009.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). National Elevation Dataset.
USGS. National Hydrography Dataset. Available from: